class statement : ?sql:string -> ora_connection ->
.. end
This class implements DML and DDL Oracle operations on a given
connection descriptor. It should not be instantiated using it's
own constructor, but rather via a connection#stmt
val stmt : ora_statement
val connection : ora_connection
method con : ora_connection
Get a connection object that this statement is bound to.
method select : ?sql:string ->
?max_rows:int option ->
param_val array ->
cursor option * string array * ora_value array list
Parameters: |
sql |
: |
max_rows |
: |
int option
params |
: |
param_val array
method select_list : ?sql:string ->
?max_rows:int option ->
param_val array -> cursor option * ora_value array list
Parameters: |
sql |
: |
max_rows |
: |
int option
params |
: |
param_val array
method fetch : ?max_rows:int option ->
cursor -> cursor option * ora_value array list
This method is used in combination with
parameter is specified. In this case the
parameter returned
by the
method can be fetched again to get the next
rows as a list of records represented as arrays of fields.
value stmt = con#stmt ~sql:"select * from test";
let n = 10 in
let (cursor, lst) = stmt#select ~max_rows:n in
match cur with
[ None -> ()
| Some cur -> (let rec f -> fun (c, l) (ora_fetch_list cur ~max_rows:n)]
Parameters: |
max_rows |
: |
int option
cursor |
: |
method foreach : ?params:param_val array ->
?sql:string -> (ora_value array -> unit) -> unit
method execute : ?sql:string -> (int * param_val) list -> (int * ora_value) list
method execute_array : ?sql:string -> param_val array list -> int
method prepare : string -> unit
Assign an SQL string to the statement
method prepare_plsql : ?params:(int * param_val) list -> string -> unit
Assign an PL/SQL block to the statement. The block may contain bind variables
method update : ?sql:string -> param_val array -> int
Use this method to run an SQL INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE statement